Afro-Café - Afro-Café Vol 1 – BassLine Live

Duke Jones presents his heartfelt new album, Afro-Cafe Vol 1. Delivering an awe-inspiring sound and featuring a string of legendary artists, Afro-Café Vol 1 is a celebration of diverse Jazz, Soul, and African music styles. Released on the artist’s brand-new boutique label, the album is a compilation of classic songs retrieved from the vaults of Bassline Live record label. Swiftly gaining recognition for its unique approach to bringing together legendary artists to record in world-class studios, Bassline Live is a matchless record label. The label masters are one-of-a-kind recordings that capture some of the most amazing musical moments, rife with emotion, color, and character. State of the Art pristine quality recordings done with legendary studio engineers such as Los Angeles engineer Dave Rideau and New York/London born Beatles Abby Road album engineer Malcolm Addy.